Plants which live in water!

Some plants live completely under the water. Some float on the surface. Others grow in the water of ponds or on the banks of rivers and are partly covered by water. The plant Elodea has a long, strong underwater root which is anchored to the water bed.
The stem and leaves, which are on the surface, are thin, so that they are able to resist the wind without being uprooted. The water lily floats on water. The floating leaves have the stomata on the upper part exposed to the air.
Water Plants
The flower of the water lily closes during the night and opens out at dawn.
The water Chestnut has floating leaves.
The water Buttercup has yellow flowers and long, pointed leaves.

Water Lilly
This plant flourishes near pools and lakes. The Fanwort grows around swamps. It has flowers on a stalk which can be up to 2.5m long.

Water Buttercup
Water Buttercup belongs to Ranunculus a large genus of about 600 species of plants in. Members of the genus include the buttercups, spearworts, and water crowfoots. The petals are often highly lustrous, especially in yellow species. Buttercups usually flower in the spring.
Water Chestnut
The water chestnut is not a nut at all, but an aquatic vegetable that grows in marshes, underwater, in the mud. It has stem-like, tubular green leaves that grow to approximately 1.5 metres.
Above are the examples of the water or aquatic plants present in the world.