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Flowers - planetpedia

Why do some plants have Flowers?

Flowers contain the plant’s reproductive organs which have a most important task, to generate seeds to give life to new plants. The male organs of the flower, the stamens, produce pollen, which is made p of tiny little grains of powder, usually yellow.
These grains of pollen, carried by the wind, by water or animals, become intercepted by the pistil, the female part of the flower, and these reach the ovary. Seeds from when the pollen comes in contact with an ovule i:e when an ovule has been fertilized.

The Pistil

At the top of the pistil is the stigma, a sticky selling which catches the pollen. Below this is the style, along which the pollen descends towards the ovary at the centre of the flower.

The Ovule

The ovule is inside the ovary. It is here that the fertilization takes place to begin the development of new seeds. From this moment, the ovary is transformed into a fruit.


The Plants without Flowers

Conifers reproduce by keeping their seeds in cones. These plants have male cones and female cones. The pine cone of the conifer tree protects the little pines by its wooden scales.

Mosses reproduce by pores. These are contained in small capsules at the ends of steles, central tubes of the stems. Each spore can give life to a new plant.

Ferns are reproduced by spores, microscopic cells which drop from the underside of the leaf. The spores germinate ad develop into tiny, usually heart shaped plants which contain the male and female cells ready to create a new plant.

What How Why

What is a leap Year?

It takes the Earth 365 days and six hours to orbit around the Sun. The Six extra hours cannot be counted on the calander. So, to keep an accurate count, an extra day is added at the end of february every four years.

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What are the most precious stones?

When the magma cools, the material which it contains solidifies in the form of crystals. Precious stones are crystals with particular characteristics of colour, hardness and the way they can reflect the light. They are used in making jewellery.

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How is the height of a mountain measured?

To measure the height of mountain, the surface of the sea is taken as the point of reference. The height of the mountain is the distance between the top of the mountain and the surface of the sea.

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What is an electric current?

An electric current is a passage of electrons from one electrified body to another which is less charged. When too many electrons are generated, they can move.

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Why does iron go rusty?

Rust forms on the surface of iron objects when they are exposed to the air. It is the product of a chemical reaction called oxidization. The more the object is exposed to the air, the more rapidly rust spreads.

What How Why

How fast can a dog run?

A Greyhound can run at a speed of 64km per hour, a Weimaraner , once used for hunting wolves and wild boar, can reach speed of up to 56 km per hour in a chase. Many breeds of dog which were once bred for hunting are now more common as pets than hunting Dogs.

Perfumed Flowers

Flowers are perfumed because their petals contain essential oils, widely used in the manufacture of perfume. The oil of the rose, violet and jasmine are the ones most widely used, for medicines and disinfectants, as well as perfume.

A flower’s perfume also attracts pollinating insects, such as bees and wasps. However, there are some flowers which have an unpleasant smell.