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Earth - planetpedia



Radius: 6,371 Km
Age: 4.543 billion years
Distance From Sun: 149.6 million Km
Galaxy: Milky Way
Permanent Gases: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon

Earth is the planet we live on. It is the third planet from the Sun. Earth is a sphere-shaped, slightly flattened at the North and the South Pole. Much of earth’s surface is covered by seas and oceans, separating the continents with their mountains, open plains, forests, rivers and lakes. The solid outer surface of the Earth that forms the continents and the ocean beds is called the Earth’s Crust. The Earth is the only planet in our Solar System that has a large amount of liquid water.

According to the Scientists, the Earth began to form about 4600 million years ago. The diameter of Earth measures 12757km, the distance between the poles is about 12714km. The surface of the Earth above sea level is about 149,600,000 square km. The area of about 360,650,000 square kilometers is covered by the Oceans.

Earth's Crust

The Earth's crust is solid but made of parts which move very slowly.

The Continental Crust which forms Earth’s dry land is thick, but consists of light rock. It is thickest beneath the mountains.
The Oceanic Crust which constitutes the ocean bed is composed of heavy rocks but is thinner.

Tranformation of Earth

When Earth first began, the land formed one huge continent. In time, this gradually separated and spread out, slowly becoming the land masses and countries which we know today. This phenomenon is called the Continental Drift.

200 million years ago, dry land formed one continent called The Pangaea.
Pangaea was supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.
The Pangaea slowly divided itself into two: Laurasia and Gondwana.

65 million years ago Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions divide the two continents into smaller parts.

Today the Earth has seven continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia.

What How Why

What is a leap Year?

It takes the Earth 365 days and six hours to orbit around the Sun. The Six extra hours cannot be counted on the calander. So, to keep an accurate count, an extra day is added at the end of february every four years.

What How Why

What are the most precious stones?

When the magma cools, the material which it contains solidifies in the form of crystals. Precious stones are crystals with particular characteristics of colour, hardness and the way they can reflect the light. They are used in making jewellery.

What How Why

How is the height of a mountain measured?

To measure the height of mountain, the surface of the sea is taken as the point of reference. The height of the mountain is the distance between the top of the mountain and the surface of the sea.

What How Why

What is an electric current?

An electric current is a passage of electrons from one electrified body to another which is less charged. When too many electrons are generated, they can move.

What How Why

Why does iron go rusty?

Rust forms on the surface of iron objects when they are exposed to the air. It is the product of a chemical reaction called oxidization. The more the object is exposed to the air, the more rapidly rust spreads.

What How Why

How fast can a dog run?

A Greyhound can run at a speed of 64km per hour, a Weimaraner , once used for hunting wolves and wild boar, can reach speed of up to 56 km per hour in a chase. Many breeds of dog which were once bred for hunting are now more common as pets than hunting Dogs.

Deep inside the Earth is the nucleus, or core. The outer part of the nucleus consists of....... read more.